November 13, 2008

We've Got a When and Where

The day after we got engaged, I called Brad's church to see if we could be married there. He's a member, but I'm not, even though I've attended with him since we've started dating. Before we contacted the church, Brad and I discussed these questions:
  • Is it important to us to have a church wedding? (we both said YES!)
  • What kind of look do we want? My church is nondenominational and has a more modern building. We both decided we wanted the look of a traditional sanctuary with the stained glass, pews, altar, etc.
  • How many people were we expecting? My church isn't big enough to hold the number of guests we're estimating will come.
Our answers to these questions made our location choice easy: Let's get married at Gloria Dei! Brad and I already knew we wanted to get married in May or June, so I called them and they said they had one open date left in those months: May 16. After checking with our families to make sure no one was graduating, leaving the country, or expecting a baby that week, we went ahead and took the spot. We still have to meet with the pastor to see if we can bring another pastor in to perform the ceremony, but we're planning on May 16 either way.

One big thing down...only several more big things to go.

image courtesy of Gloria Dei

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