November 11, 2008

Operation Bling!

Everyone has known for a while that Brad and Joanna were going to get engaged (I mean she texted me on their first date and said "I'm going to marry this man"), but the real question was WHEN?!? Joanna really wanted Brad to choose the ring but the other besties, Marie Elizabeth and Rachel and myself deciced that Joanna at least needed to try a few rings on. So after a trip for pedi's we forced Joanna to Joseph's so "we could get our rings cleaned." Joanna is simple therefore she gravitated to the simple rings...including a beautiful reverse tapered solitaire, with a round diamond. So Joanna...check...operation bling (as we began to call it) was well underway.

A few weeks later I hinted to Brad that if he needed any help with the ring, I would be there in an I had an idea what she liked and the very important ring size. A few weeks later Brad facebooked me and we set up a time to meet and go over ring shopping 101. Since Joanna and Brad spend every moment together we had to distract Joanna so she wouldn't suspect a thing! Marie Elizabeth quickly jumped in, and invited Joanna over for "band practice" (haha long story). That night was very successful and Brad and I walked out of Joseph's as diamond experts. Brad did a little more research on his own, then decided to go with the first ring. The besties distracted Joanna again so Brad could make the big purchase. Then we were all on pins and needles waiting for the big day.

It was truly an honor to help in this process and I must say, Operation Bling was quite a success!

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